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Survival of experimentally buried large, winged seeds from open sandy habitats defies the established theory of relatedness between seed size, shape, and longevity
Arid Land Research and Management
Soil seed banks along a woody plant removal gradient in a semi-arid savanna of South Africa: Implications for restoration
Acta Oecologica
Soil seed bank is affected by transferred soil thickness and properties in the reclaimed coal mine in the Qilian Mountains, China
Journal of Arid Land
Publication characteristics, topic trends and knowledge domains of karst ecological restoration: a bibliometric and knowledge mapping analysis from 1991 to 2021
Plant and Soil
Seed germination traits and dormancy classification of 27 species from a degraded karst mountain in central Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau: seed mass and moisture content correlate with germination capacity
Plant Biology
Comparison of Aboveground Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank Composition among Three Typical Vegetation Types in the Karst Regions of Southwest China
Afforestation affects soil seed banks by altering soil properties and understory plants on the eastern Loess Plateau, China
Ecological Indicators
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