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Cyclodextrin based natural nanostructured carbohydrate polymers as effective non-viral siRNA delivery systems for cancer gene therapy
Journal of Controlled Release
Insight into the role of cholesterol in modulation of morphology and mechanical properties of CHO-K1 cells: An in situ AFM study
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering
Role of membrane environment and membrane-spanning protein regions in assembly and function of the Class II Major Histocompatibility complex
Human Immunology
The Great Escape: how phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases and PI4P promote vesicle exit from the Golgi (and drive cancer)
Biochemical Journal
The endogenous subcellular localisations of the long chain fatty acid-activating enzymes ACSL3 and ACSL4 in sarcoma and breast cancer cells
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry