PeerJ Section
Paleontology and Evolutionary Science
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Section Highlights View all Paleontology and Evolutionary Science articles

A geometric morphometric protocol to correct postmortem body arching in fossil fishes
Reassessment of pore occlusion in some diatom taxa with re-evaluation of Placoneis Mereschkowsky (Bacillariophyceae: Cymbellales) and description of two new genera
Ultrastructure of the Jurassic serpulid tubes–phylogenetic and paleoecological implications
Pathological caudal skeleton of an ichthyodectiform fish from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation of western Kansas, USA
Fossil-informed biogeographic analysis suggests Eurasian regionalization in crown Squamata during the early Jurassic
Marine introgressions and Andean uplift have driven diversification in neotropical Monkey tree frogs (Anura, Phyllomedusinae)
Discovery of diverse Pectocaris species at the Cambrian series 2 Hongjingshao formation Xiazhuang section (Kunming, SW China) and its ecological, taphonomic, and biostratigraphic implications
The dinosaurs that weren’t: osteohistology supports giant ichthyosaur affinity of enigmatic large bone segments from the European Rhaetian
Reappraisal of sauropod dinosaur diversity in the Upper Cretaceous Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia, through 3D digitisation and description of new specimens
The first occurrence of machimosaurid crocodylomorphs from the Oxfordian of south-central Poland provides new insights into the distribution of macrophagous teleosauroids

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