Exploring the signals in the data used by Solovyeva et al. (2018)

This figshare submission includes (currently v3, there may be future updates) an archive with a) ready-to-use NEXUS-formatted versions of the original FASTA files provided by the authors in the Supplemental Information for each gene, and NEXUS-formatted combined and concatenated (species/genus, pending provided data and information in the original FASTA files) matrices b) simple distance-based...

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Things you can learn in a blink about your data

As phylogeneticists, we commonly have to deal with data that we don't initially understand. In this Genealogical World of Phylogenetic Networks post, I'll used the interesting (being not trivial) data for the eight genes provided in the Supplemental Information to show how much can be learned about primary signals in the data prior to any deeper analysis, just from producing a few Neighbour-nets.

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A visualization of data from this article
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