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Diaa Abd El-Moneim

Diaa Abd El Moneim received his Ph.D. in plant molecular genetics from Complutense University of Madrid- Spain, in 2012. Between 2012 and 2014, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the national biotechnology center – in Madrid –Spain. He joined the Deanship of preparatory year –at Jouf University – K.S.A. as an Assistant professor of Biology. Since 2020 he has served as an Associate professor of genetics at Arish University, which is responsible for Lecturing about advanced applications for plant molecular genetics; Organizing meetings and building relationships with national and international institutes; Supervising graduate/undergraduate researchers; and leading research projects in assessing cereals crops under the different abiotic stress. During his Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies, he was skilled with advanced molecular genetics techniques, which helped him study molecular breeding of cereals crops, particularly for abiotic stress tolerance. Generally, his research interests focused on the isolation and characterization of abiotic stress-responsive genes and proteins, physiological and molecular mechanisms of the abiotic stress response, and tolerance. Also, study intracellular signaling pathways required for plants to coordinate stress responses under various abiotic stresses.

Hani Nasser Abdelhamid

2013-2017: PhD from Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden. Title ʺLanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks and Hierarchical Porous Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: Synthesis, Properties, and Applicationsʺ
2011-2013: M.Sc in Nanobiomedicine, National Sun-Yat Sen University, China (ROC)
2009-2010: Pre-Master–Physical Organic Chemistry-Assuit University, Egypt, Grade: 3.4 (87.71%).
2003-2007: B.Sc Chemistry Department–Assuit University- Egypt, Grade: 3.32 (84.059%)
Research Experience & interest
The research interest of Hani Abdelhamid is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale and for material science to push scientific boundaries in diverse areas of biochemistry, biology, biomedicine biotechnology, nanocatalysis and laser based analytical. The main thrusts are concentrated on the topics as below:
1) Nanotechnology: synthesis, characterization, and applications.
2) Material Chemistry, synthesis, characterization, and applications.
3) Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), synthesis, characterization, and applications.
4) Inorganic and structural chemistry.
5) Analytical Chemistry.
6) Solar cells and Nanocatalysis.
7) Nano-Biomedicine and Nano-Biotechnology.
8) Biochemistry and Biochemical research methods.
9) Metallodrug-protein interactions using Nanomaterials based- laser analytical tools.
10) Biosensor based on nanomaterials for pathogenic bacteria and biomolecules.

Mohd Adnan

Dr. Mohd Adnan is an Associate Professor, Principal Investigator and Head of Academic Committee at Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia. He did his PhD from University of Central Lancashire, UK; Master’s and Bachelor’s degree from Bangalore University, India; Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics from SJAIT, India. He has more than 10 years of research, teaching and administrative experience. In his professional capacity, he has received various travel, observership and research grants as a Principal Investigator from various prestigious organizations.
He has successfully published 170+ publications in internationally recognized peer reviewed reputed journals, several book chapters for internationally renowned publishers and presented many papers and posters in various conferences/workshops globally. He has published widely in the field of phytomedicine, biofilms, drug discovery, natural products, nutraceuticals and functional foods with specialization in plant-based antibiofilm and anticancer agents, microbial biosurfactants, biofilms in food industry and medical settings, probiotics and cancer biology, novel biomolecules for/as health and antimicrobial agents.
He has reviewed 300+ manuscripts for 70+ internationally recognized peer-reviewed JCR journals and grant reviewer for many prestigious universities and organisations. In addition, he is a member of SFAM, UK and ESCMID, Switzerland and an Elected Member of Royal Society of Biology, UK. He also currently holds different editorial positions (Associate, Academic, Guest and Review Editor) in various esteemed journals and has edited 300+ manuscripts.

Spiros N Agathos

Spiros N. Agathos, Ph.D. is Professor of Bioengineering at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium since 1993 and, since 2015, he is Inaugural Dean of Biological Sciences and Engineering at Yachay Tech, the first research-intensive university in Ecuador and a hub of innovation in South America.

He is an expert in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, with interests in biocatalyst development, bioprocess optimisation, bioreactor design and scale-up, ecogenomics, and biotechnology for sustainability. He has a PhD in biochemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and served on the faculties of the University of Western Ontario (Canada) and Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and as a visiting professor in Europe and the Americas.

He has published over 200 articles, 4 books and 4 patents. He has been Editor or Editorial Board member of many journals and serves on numerous committees for science and technology policy. He is a consultant to governments and industry, while his former students and postdocs have significant academic and industrial positions across the globe. Among his many awards, he is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE), of the Society for Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (SIMB) and of the International Water Association (IWA).

Arti Ahluwalia

Associate Prof. of Bioengineering, University of Pisa, Head of In-Vitro Models Group and NanoBioscopy Lab at the National Council of Research Institute of Clinical Physiology (CNR-IFC). Also involved in capacity building in the field of Biomedical Engineering, in association with UNECA and FABLAB Pisa .Author of over 100 peer-reviewed publications and of several patents on microfabrication and on bioreactors, co-founder of 2 high-tech companies.

Maria Almuedo-Castillo

I obtained the Biology degree from the University of Sevilla in June 2008. For my PhD, I then joined Drs. Saló and Adell lab at the Genetics Department of the UB. Using the planarian S. mediterranea due to its amazing regenerative abilities, I demonstrated the role of specific signaling pathways in processes that allow regeneration of a proportioned body plan. I graduated with honors in Genetics in July 2014 and for my postdoctorate I decided to join Dr. Müller laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Tübingen (Germany) in October 2014, to get an interdisciplinary training in Systems Biology and learn about Biophysics and computer modeling. In June 2015 I was awarded with an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship. I studied how tissue patterns scale with embryo size using a quantitative biophysical in vivo approach. We described how embryos adjust tissue proportions to the changing size of their bodies. In June 2018 I decided to come back home and develop my independent research career in Sevilla (Spain), where I am currently working as an associate researcher at CABD (CSIC/UPO/JA). In February 2019 I obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship and in June 2019, a Junior Leader grant from Fundación Social La Caixa. Here I want to implement all my interdisciplinary acquired knowledge to study the complex formation of organs from a mechanical and patterning comprehensive perspective, using as an experimental paradigm the formation of the vertebrate eye.

Zekiye Sultan Altun

The Zekiye Altun Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Oncology, Dokuz Eylul University. Member of the Cell Death Research Society of Turkey and Basic Oncology Society.

Nitin Amdare

Dr. Nitin Amdare is a Staff Scientist in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. His primary research interest is to contribute significantly to identifying and characterizing the specific human auto-antigen peptides of potential clinical relevance recognized by HLA-restricted islet-infiltrating CD8 T cells, which could facilitate the development of antigen-specific strategies that identify those most likely to be therapeutic targets and markers of pathogenic autoimmunity.

Praveen Arany

Training: Dentistry, Biomedical Research, Bioengineering, Pathology
Postdoctoral: TGF-beta, wound healing, regeneration, radiation biology, light biology, stem cells, biomaterial, Lasers.
Current: Clinical translational research and molecular mechanism.
Positions: Past-President, NAALT; President-Elect WALT, Co-Chair SPIE, Chair, ASLMS
Interests: Signal Transduction, Lasers, Biological regulation, Photobiomodulation.

Sabine Bahn

Director of the Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research at Cambridge University. Practising clinician (with an Honorary Consultant position in General Adult Psychiatry at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge). Co-founder of Psynova Neurotech Ltd. Professor for Tranlational Neuroscience at Erasmus University Medical Centre, Department of Neuroscience, Rotterdam.

Paula Baptista

Paula Baptista is currently Auxiliary Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), coordinator of the topic "Sustainable Agriculture and Innovative Agro-food Chains" of the “Mountain Research Center” and the convenor of the International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC), working group ‘Integrated protection of olive crops”. Her main interests are focused on plant-microbe-insect interactions, biological control, plant microbiome and microbial biocontrol agents.

Debmalya Barh

I have worked 15+ years in various industries (molecular diagnostics, healthcare, personal genomics, bioinformatics) and along with that I have continued my academic researches for last 15+ years. My field of research includes human disease genetics and genomics; biomarker and molecular diagnostics, targets and drug discovery; precision medicine, and bioinformatics. In various industries, I have extensively worked in developing genetic tests for various human diseases and traits, geotype-phenotype correlations, bioinformatics tools and database design and several personal genomics and bioinformatics product development. I have published 140+ articles, 35+ book chapters, 25 books, several complete bacterial genomes and bio-software.